sábado, 5 de maio de 2007

movies are made to be seen

this french tv commercial is certainly a good laugh! it is for me anyway.

movies are made to be seen

i'm sure this March of the Penguins is a must seen.

if not, read this: "with short steps, bent under the pitiless burden of a driving snowstorm, the emperor penguin labours through a vast labyrinth of ice. around him, all is white, all is in violent flux. yet the valiant bird never falters, undaunted by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. he keeps going. in this land where no other creature ventures, the emperor continues on to his romantic rendezvous. as it follows the winter migration of the emperor penguin, March of the Penguins tells a tale of legendary proportions, portraying the strange, spectacular destiny of powerful and emotionally-involving characters, rich in courage and humour, mystery and manifest drama."
